From a minor fender bender to a multi-car pile-up, any type of car accident can leave you with unforeseen expenses. If you have suffered a car accident, you have a right to seek compensation for the damage to your personal property and any injuries you have sustained.
If you have suffered an accident due to someone else’s negligence, you deserve to be compensated for what you’ve endured. When medical bills add up, and you can’t return to work because of injuries, you need strong legal counsel to fight for your right to compensation.
Trucks and tractor-trailers are on every major highway in America. The risk of getting into a trucking accident is unfortunately always present. If you are a truck accident victim, don’t try to fight big trucking companies alone. Contact a personal injury attorney today for legal help you can rely on.
The potential for serious injury is always present when you walk or ride a bike in high traffic areas. You should not have to suffer due to a driver’s negligence. You deserve to be compensated for your injuries. We’ll make it as easy a process as possible.
Read MoreThere’s nothing more tragic than when one a loved one suffers a wrongful death. At The Leddy Law Firm, Micah Leddy is a compassionate attorney anxious to help you every step of the way. He understands how devastating a wrongful death is and will make the litigation process as smooth as possible.
A bad motorcycle accident can happen in the blink of an eye. Medical bills can add up quickly after a devastating motorcycle crash and missing work to care for your injuries can cut your income in half. If you’re a motorcycle accident victim, reach out to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.
If your professional license is at risk, your career hangs in the balance. If a claim, allegation, or charge has been made against you, an experienced license defense attorney can fight on your behalf and defend your reputation. The Leddy Law Firm will work with you through every step of the process.