What Kind of Compensation Can I Receive After a Car Accident?
Car accidents can be costly—not just in terms of property damage, but medically costly as well. If you sustain an injury after a car accident, the consequences can be incredibly expensive. In addition to medical care that must be received immediately, lost wages due to recovery time spent at home can quickly accumulate as well. If your injuries end up being a long-term medical problem, the cost of continued care can rise as time goes on. Whatever your situation, a skilled personal injury lawyer who’s familiar with car accidents can provide sound legal guidance to ensure you’re properly compensated.
How Do the Courts Assess Compensation After a Car Accident?
There are many factors that affect compensation after a car accident. If there is substantial evidence to prove the negligent fault of the other party, your car accident attorney will work with you to calculate the dollar amount that should be awarded to you.
Compensation is determined by how badly the car accident has damaged you personally, in addition to your property. Of course, the degree to which your car is damaged in a collision is a huge factor in any accident case, but many people fail to realize that some of the most serious car accidents can also damage property inside the vehicle. Every car accident is different so be sure to speak to a lawyer about any property that was ruined in an accident. If your car is totaled, the sum of the damages can greatly affect how much compensation you receive after suffering an accident.
What About Physical and Emotional Damage?
Physical property, no matter how expensive, is almost always replaceable. However, injuries are extremely difficult to deal with and the care is often complicated. Bodily damage can be irreversible in extreme cases, in addition to being very expensive. A personal injury lawyer will work to recover money lost due to hospitalization and doctor’s visits. If you’ve been hurt due to someone else’s negligence, you shouldn’t be burdened with the cost of the care you need to recover.
Medical expenses are more than just copays when you see a doctor. Medical injuries can lead to increased expenses down the road. For example, a broken leg after a car accident may seem easily fixed by a proper cast and doctor visit. But if you experience complications of the fracture later on in life, this situation can become costly. Future medical care is always factored into applicable cases, as innocent victims should not have to be plagued with the high cost of entirely preventable medical injuries.
When you sustain a serious injury, it’s likely you’ll have to miss work. If you’ve lost wages due to a car accident, always discuss the specifics of your situation with an attorney. The emotional damage from a car accident shouldn’t be overlooked as post-accident PTSD or anxiety isn’t entirely uncommon. If you’re a victim of an accident, you should not have to bear the financial burden of what’s happened to you.
What Help is Available?
Personal injury law is specifically geared toward helping innocent victims who’ve suffered bodily or personal property harm. At The Leddy Law Firm, LLC, your health, and emotional and financial well-being are the main priorities of every case. If you’ve suffered because of a car accident contact The Leddy Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible for help recovering any compensation that’s owed to you.